WCS Back to School: : Top 10 Links

School Starts Friday, August 13th, 2021

Here are the TOP 10 Back to School Links:

  1. Register New Student: https://www.warsawschools.org/page/enroll-register

  2. Register Returning Student: https://www.warsawschools.org/page/enroll-register

  3. Sign Up for Powerschool ALERTS (PLEASE NOTE: New System this Year - Everyone Will Need to Submit their Info, Alert Preferences, and OPT-IN.) 

Go to PowerSchool. Scroll down to OTHER (Left margin). Choose FORMS. Scroll to Ecollect Communications. Choose Thrillshare Communications. Opt-in for school notifications. Update contact info and preferences (Email/Mobile Text/Phone Call) OR - Opt-Out: Choose I do NOT wish to receive notifications. https://warsawschools.powerschool.com/public/home.html

4. Buy Accidental Damage Protection (K-12) BEFORE August 31, 2021: 

(English) https://www.securedtechsolutions.com/plan/warsaw-038/  

(Spanish) https://www.securedtechsolutions.com/plan/warsaw-038-span/

5. Apply for Free & Reduced Meals: https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.aspx

6. Apply for Textbook Assistance: https://secure.ezmealapp.com/ApplicationScreen.aspx

7. Find School Supply List (Middle & Elementary Schools/ Updates in Progress / WCHS  -NO LIST - Teachers will let students know of any supplies on the first day of school): https://www.warsawschools.org/browse/226480

8. Get a Calendar: https://www.warsawschools.org/page/calendars  (Make Plans for 10 eLearning Mondays)

9. Get Start Times & Bell Schedules: https://www.warsawschools.org/browse/233851 (These will be added soon!)

10. Get the free WCS APP for all the latest INFO: 

Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/warsaw-community-school-in/id1514836452?ls=1

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apptegy.warsawin

#wcsmission #ForwardTogether

NEWS: In-Person Registration opportunity for all who have not yet registered or need help with the process: Friday, July 30 9am to 4 pm