We had our cheer Christmas party today! The girls decorated Christmas cookies, got recognized for their hard work, and ate pizza! Thank you so much, @pizzahut, for donating pizza for our cheerleaders! Good job this season, girls! #WCSmission #ExperienceWCS
7 months ago, Alexa Castro
First graders had the school to themselves. They embarked on a scavenger hunt that took them from first grade to 6th grade, where they will end their Harrison school career. They had so much fun exploring the school.Β  #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
7 months ago, Alexa Castro
first grade
This week we had our 2nd annual Harrison Holiday Shop in the Library! It gave all of our students a chance to come in and shop for their families and friends. It filledΒ my heart to see our students put so much thought into their gifts they were purchasing for others! -Mrs. Conley Huge shout out to Mrs. Conley for all her hard work with the Holiday Shop! It was a huge success & we are so lucky to have her at Harrison. #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
7 months ago, Alexa Castro
Last Friday, we had our first family group meeting. During this time, students are in different classrooms, ranging from K–6th grade. 6th graders and teachers are co-teaching. This month we focused on habit 4: "think win-win". We practiced our 7 habits hand motions, stated our mission statement, & shared experiences with think-win-win, and voted on different scenarios to see if they were think-win-win. Afterwards, all students traced their hands and cut them out to make a huge hand Christmas tree with all our students at Harrison to remind ourselves that we are all a team and we are all leaders. We can't wait to meet with our family groups next month! #WCSmission #ExperienceWCS #leadership
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
Harrison’s Chess Club is off to a great start! Students in grades kindergarten through sixth have the opportunity to meet together once a week for Chess Club.Β  Each week there is a short lesson and then students pair up and play chess together! Β  #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
On Monday, we had our senior night for our 6th grade boys/ girls basketball and cheerleaders. We are so proud of all our cheerleaders and basketball players this season! We started off the game by announcing all our 6th graders, and each of them received a gift. We can't wait to see all the amazing things they all achieve in middle school. πŸ’œπŸ’› #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
6th grade
6th grade
Huge shoutout to our Harrison boys basketball players who were announced at the variety boys game over the weekend. The boys had a team dinner prior. Thank you to Harrison's toger ambassador from 1Eighty Digital, who sponsored the boys Pizza Hut meal. Great job, boys! #Experiencewcs #WCSmission
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
team bonding and
🌊 Dive Into Fun with WCHS Open Swim! 🌊 πŸ—“οΈ December Swim Times (schedule may vary):Mondays & Wednesdays: 7:15-9 PM #WCHSOpenSwim #WCSmission
8 months ago, Amanda Waddle
Dec Pool
β€œLucy gives us love!” Roxy Lopez Lucy, Harrison’s therapy dog, is a goldendoodle that was made for giving love. You can usually find her stretched out waiting for belly rubs (or looking for a treat). Lucy makes her rounds through Harrison bringing joy to both staff and students. #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
Yesterday, our school was filled with turkeys! πŸ¦ƒ Second grade had their marbel experience, and kindergarten had their annual Thanksgiving feast. 😊 We are so thankful for all our teachers, staff, students, & families at Harrison! πŸ’œπŸ’› #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
turkey day
turkey day
turkey day
turkey day
turkey day
Turkey day
Turkey day
Turkey day
Turkey day
Harrison Elementary has been collecting non-perishable foods for combined community services. This food drive serves many families in need in our community. Our goal as a school was to raise 8,000 items & we did it ! Way to show teamwork Harrison. Thank you families for bringing in items . Also shoutout to Mrs. Reed & Harrison STUCO for collecting these items each day. *Mrs. Stookey's class collected the most items & in return will receive a movie & popcorn party. *Mr. Deeds is also dying his hair purple & gold for a day to celebrate . #WCSmission #ExperienceWCS
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
good drive
food drive
food drive
food drive
Today is substitute appreciation day! We are so thankful for all our subs in our building. WCS is always looking to hire subs please look at the attached flyer. 😊 Miss. Hansen- Harrison building sub Mr. Hansen- long term sub for Mrs. Herman Miss. Martin- long term sub for Mrs. Schneider we appreciate you all ! #WCSmission #ExperienceWCS
8 months ago, Alexa Castro
sub shoutout
sign up today
Our E- club members have been busy in the garden! They have been raking leaves & putting the garden to bed for the 2023 season. #WCSmission #ExperienceWCS
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
e club
e club
e club
e club
Last week, our school had its very first Zoo Boo Day! Students at Harrison dressed up as zoo animals. 6th grade students were dressed as zoo keepers. We got to parade around our school and see everyone's costumes while listening to fun Halloween music! #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
zoo boo
 zoo boo
zoo boo
zoo boo
zoo boo
zoo boo
zoo boo
zoo keepers
zoo animals
Miss.Kelly's class had such a fun time decorating the windows at Penguin Point for thanksgiving. After painting, Penguin Point provided a delicious lunch for the students. A big thank you to penguin point and our art teacher, Miss. Murphy for providing such a fun opportunity for our students! #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
penguin point
penguin point
penguin point
penguin point
penguin point
penguin point
penguin point
penguin point
Our young book enthusiasts from Miss. Kelly’s 5th grade class and Miss. Castro’s kindergarten class came together to read books & make a fun fall name craft. We love our book buddies at Harrison.πŸ’œ πŸ“š Way to show leadership 5th grade! #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission #leadership
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
Our kindergarten classes took a fun field trip to Knollbrook Farm last week. Students got to visit the dairy farm, feed the animals, go on a hay ride, & pick out a pumpkin or gourd. Everyone had a blast !😊 #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
pumpkin patch
E-Club members had great fun harvesting vegetables and sharing them with the school cafeteria and other classes. They enjoyed eating salsa and sampling vegetables they picked from the garden, too! Garden leaders also discovered several trees on our property that are descendants of historical trees from properties of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Harriet Beecher Stowe! Thank you E-club & Mrs. McClintok for your amazing work in the garden ! #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
tree investigation
tree investigators
tree investigators
Dress up as an animal on Halloween! We can’t wait to see all the different animal costumes you come up with !πŸ˜ŠπŸŽƒ
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
Zoo Boo!
The 6th grade students at Harrison spent a week learning and reading about sharks. Students learned about the habitat, anatomy, and predator/prey relationships of these creatures. The week culminated with the students having the opportunity to dissect Dogfish Sharks! #ExperienceWCS #WCSmission
9 months ago, Alexa Castro
6th grade
Mr. Deeds
6th grade
6th grade
6th grade
6th grade
6th grade
shark investigation